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Sub-task 3 - Lessons learned and value created with digitalization

This sub-task 3 is part of the IEA IETS Task XVIII: Digitalization, Artificial Intelligence and Related Technologies for Energy Efficiency and GHG Emissions Reduction in Industry. The main goal of IEA IETS Annex Task XVIII is to stimulate the adoption and digitalization technologies for energy efficiency improvement and GHG emissions reduction in the process industries.



This sub-task aims to drive adoption of IEA IETS Task XVIII results through case studies, business model innovation and results dissemination


This sub-task focuses on incentives and barriers for related stakeholders, and Evidence based case studies and business models.


This sub-task is co-led by Zheng Grace Ma and Michelle Levesque, together with the international participants from industries, digital solution providers, and academics.



Contract Review

Literature review

  1. Review barriers and incentives of industries to adopt and implement digitalization in their business

  2. Review existing business models which have been implemented in industries to investigate the potentials of digitalization in their business.

  3. Review and explore smart data-driven innovation strategies for methods and applications investigated in other Annex initiatives

  4. Prepare match-making pool among digitalization applications, innovation strategies and company business

Digital social media

Use cases

  1. Collect cases of digitalization adoption and implementation in industries from multiple sources

  2. Review and analyze selected cases

  3. Categorize and index cases by industry type, value chain segment, and digitalization application

Chess Game


  1. Conduct interviews and questionnaires to get input from related partners regarding strategies and other related information.

  2. The collected strategies will be evaluated via experts and simulations

  3. Future scenarios and optimized strategies will be review and discussed with sub-task participants.

  4. The recommendation based on future scenarios and optimized strategies will be the input to sub-task 4.

Case collection

Case collection

If you are interested in contributing your cases, you are welcome to contact Grace or Michelle, or simply fill the case templates here:

Project cases

The cases of digitalization adoption and implementation in industries that IEA IETS Annex Task XVIII sub-task 3 has collected are shown in below. Press them for detailed information. ​

Project cases

Recorded speeches

Speeches at the Kick-off meeting (14 Oct. 2021)
Recorded speeches
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