Climate Resilience and Energy Adaptation in Industry under Uncertainty
The primary aim of the IEA IETS Task XXII: Climate Resilience and Energy Adaptation in Industry under Uncertainty is to promote understanding and progression in digitalization, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and related technologies, thus facilitating climate resilience (extreme weather and events) and energy adaptation (electricity, heating, and sector coupling) in energy-intensive industries. The immediate goal is to explore the realm of climate resilience and energy adaptation within these energy-intensive sectors.
This task aims at facilitating climate resilience and energy adaptation in energy-intensive industries, by promoting understanding and progression in digitalization, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and related technologies.
This task focuses on conducting thorough analyses of energy-intensive industries, exploring the concept of climate resilience and energy adaptation, and applying digitalization and AI to enhance climate resilience and energy adaptation.
The task manager of this task is Prof. Zheng Grace Ma, and task members come from both Denmark (SDU, DTU), Sweden (RISE), Canada (Nature Resource Canada), Germany (Fraunhofer IEE), and Portugal (GECAD/LASI/Polytechnic of Porto).
the understanding of stakeholder dynamics
By both deepening the understanding of stakeholder dynamics as well as unearthing the potential within related fields, the aim here is to pave the way for collaboration and synergy between researchers and industries.
the knowledge base
This objective deals with expanding the knowledge base concerning climate resilience and energy adaptation within industrial sectors that are intensive in energy use. By doing so, the aim is to lay the groundwork for informed decision-making and innovative solutions.
needs and strategic initiatives
The objective of identifying the precise needs and the strategic initiatives planned to strengthen the energy-intensive industries, the goal is to ensure that these sectors are equipped to meet both current and future challenges.
Subtask 1: Organization of Work
Activity A
Definitions, and preliminary state-of-the-art investigations
Activity A aims to conduct preliminary state-of-the-art investigations to:
Outline definitions and terminologies associated with climate resilience and energy adaptation in industry.
List technologies and methods that facilitate energy flexibility in industry.
Highlight the applications (specific industries) mentioned in scholarly literature.
Activity B
Survey in participating IETS countries
Activity B aims to conduct a survey with the task partners, focusing on:
The current status, potential, driving factors, obstacles, and requirements for the adoption of climate resilience and energy adaptation within the industry.
Collect examples or case studies.
Activity C
Exchange with other IEA TCPs and IETS Tasks
This activity aims to identify potential collaborations with other IEA TCPs and IETS Tasks by:
Establishing communication pathways to facilitate both the exchange of knowledge and the exploration of potential collaborative efforts of shared interest.
Creating a cooperative framework between the current Task and other IETS Tasks, as well as with different IEA TCPs.
​Considering joint activities, such as attending each other’s workshops, sharing valuable insights among Task members, and arranging brief conference calls.
Activity D
Proposals for future Subtasks
​This activity’s goal is to recommend subsequent subtasks by:
Carrying out a joint, in-depth analysis of shared objectives and interests among Task participants.
Cooperatively formulating proposals for future subtasks with input from Task members.